Cut Copy Paste History/Notes
Apple ⌘ Command+X ⌘ Command+C ⌘ Command+V
Windows/GNOME/KDE Control+X / ⇧ Shift+Delete Control+C / Control+Insert Control+V / ⇧ Shift+Insert In Windows 10 if enabled: ⊞ Win+V [6]
GNOME/KDE terminal emulators Control+⇧ Shift+C / Control+Insert Control+⇧ Shift+V / Control+⇧ Shift+Insert
(⇧ Shift+Insert or middle mouse button for pasting selected text)
BeOS Alt+X Alt+C Alt+V
Common User Access ⇧ Shift+Delete Control+Insert ⇧ Shift+Insert
Emacs Control+w (Cut / Wipe out) meta+w (Copy) Control+y (Paste / Yank) A "kill ring" is maintained. Multiple M-yanks rotate the ring in place.
vi d (delete)/dd (delete line) y (yank) p (put)
X Window System click-and-drag to highlight middle mouse button