About Us

Copy-Paste.Online is the #1 Website where you can copy, paste or transfer any type of text to another device online over ip or use the code. Anyone is welcome to copy and paste any content without login id or no app is required. Firstly, we will generate a 4 digits paste code for you once you've entered any text or content you want to save. Once you get the paste code, you can switch to another device where you want to get the content. Visit the www.copy-paste.online again, then enter the correct paste code and you will be able to see the content displayed inside the text box or it will be shown automatically based on the same ip network. Besides, our best feature is to automatically clear what you saved once a valid paste code is entered. It's so simple and most importantly it's FREE!

Created and Developed by Me Myself Irakli Shalamberidze with no any help.

Barnovi 71, 2 Entrance 4th Floor (10th for Elevator), Middle door.
Tbilisi, Georgia 2022yr
Tel: +995599339099
Email: ishal10@freeuni.edu.ge
Zip Postal Code:0179
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